Pharmaceuticals and
Life Sciences

Breadth of commercial expertise. Customer insights. Global reach.

We help manufacturers improve access and adherence to their therapies, increase engagement with HCPs, and educate customers through our advanced analytics and CRM platform. That’s why we’ve been a trusted partner for nearly 30 years.

Pharma and Life Sciences Solutions overview

Our pharmaceutical industry solutions include provider and patient engagement solutions that help our clients develop and launch products, and empower sales teams while increasing access to therapy, promoting adherence and improving health outcomes.​

Under most circumstances, patient access programs are expensive to run, cannot be scaled easily and depend heavily on manual processes. Pharmaceutical and life science companies also face significant difficulties in reaching HCPs to promote their products, with nearly $1 billion wasted on ineffective attempts to connect with them.

However, our wide range of pharma and life sciences technology solutions have helped numerous clients break down these barriers. Our clients have reported up to 33% improvement in refill rates and an average of up to 17% gain in treatment persistency. This is a why 10 out of the 20 top pharma manufacturers are our clients

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