ON DEMAND Lessons Beyond the Crisis Coping with COVID and Beyond Conduent, in partnership with The Hackett Group, presented findings from a white paper, Leading HR Through COVID-19 and Beyond: Lessons from Top CHROs, where we learned the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on HR and what might be in store in the future for the enterprise, the workforce and the HR function. Speakers Tracy Amabile, Global Head, Conduent HR and Learning Solutions Tony DiRomualdo, Senior Research Director, The Hackett Group Moderator Bonnie Tichman, Senior Director Marketing, Conduent HR and Learning Solutions Key discussion topics: How HR responded and which strategies were most effective What HR and business practices will be continued and operationalized What are the most pressing issues HR executives expect to face through recovery, and how they plan to address them What major changes in the operating environment are anticipated coming out of the crisis, such as: Impact on the pace of business and HR transformation, including modern technologies Changes to the drivers of employee experience Implications for talent attraction and retention and upskilling / reskilling Changes to HR culture and skills that will be needed